Take our 7-minute survey to help us identify and steer the future of trust, fund, and corporate services, and the market's digitalisation path.Take the Survey Here

We are experiencing a once-in-a-generation change within the corporate services, trust, and fund administration market. Firms are under pressure to rapidly adjust to global changes in how business is conducted, with automation and digitalisation at the forefront of business model adaptation. To not only survive, but thrive, businesses must understand the industry and its trends.

TrustQuay is embarking on a major research project and would love to have you be a part of it. When searching for new ideas and innovations, no one knows better than those directly involved in the industry and living its challenges.

In previous years the Future Focus Report found that 2 out of 3 say that clients want a great digital experience, but firms only score themselves 5 out of 10 in terms of digitalisation.

TrustQuay have put together a survey and will be polling the industry over the coming weeks. the findings of the survey will be unveiled in a 2023 Success Handbook which will be launched to the industry and media during the TrustQuay Forum event in London, on Tuesday 11 October. Book you free seat at this event now!

With questions like how you expect the industry to change, whether you believe businesses are adapting quickly enough to keep up, and what your own key focus areas are for digitalisation, you can become a driving factor in how technology keeps up with industry demand.

It only takes 7 minutes to make sure your voice is heard. Rest assured, individual responses are confidential.

Take the Survey Here


About the Author

Keziah Bryceland

Keziah is a Product Marketing Executive at TrustQuay